Project Scope

The overall objective of the MileSTONES III Project is the improvement of the capacity to manage and revitalize cultural heritage and support growth in tourism.
Within this context, MileSTONES III Project is fully aligned with Program’s Specific Objective 2.1 “Preserve cultural and natural resources as a prerequisite for tourism development of the cross border area”.
In addition, the project aims to:
1. Create additional instruments to demonstrate local and regional cultural heritage.
2. Preserve its magnitude and reputation over time with promotional activities.
3. Establish high-performance and large-scale cultural events.
4. Build the capacity to sustainably valorise cultural resources.
5. Train tourist professionals in cultural heritage marketing.
6. Empower local communities and have them involved as a key stakeholders.
7. Restore cross-border cultural heritage.
8. Improve accessibility for cross-border cultural monuments.

The outputs of the MileSTONES III Project are expected to be:
Expected outputs
• Creation of a folklore exhibition space in the Municipality of Dodoni.
• Renovation and reuse of a building in the village of Livadhe to house a folklore exhibition by the Municipality of Finiq.
• Restoration activities at the Castle, Shrine and Masjid of Kanina at Vlore.
• Organization of cross-border area-wide cultural festivals by the Municipalities of Dodoni and Finiq as tools to establish large-scale local events for the bilateral cooperation and the revitalization of cultural heritage.
• Capacity building actions in the sector of tourism, in the form of training and studies.
• Tourism promotion actions in the areas of the partners (Dodoni, Preveza, Finiq) that include creation of a cultural calendar, a familiarisation trip for journalists and production of audiovisual material.